
Aquí puedes preguntar o compartir tus dudas y conocimientos acerca del programa
Hola a todos...

Desde mi proyecto, no sé como poder imprimir información contenida en 5 input (Que se impriman en una misma hoja pero en orden).

Nota: La información esta asociados a un Plugin (LisBoxEx) desde una base de datos.

Si alguién sabe... me pueda ayudar porfavor.
help, help help...... if you want help start by posting the project
or do you just want other people's projects
usamakey escribió:
08 May 2024 07:30
help, help help...... if you want help start by posting the project
or do you just want other people's projects
Hello usamakey...
To begin I have to say that I am not a programmer, and what I do, I have learned little by little with a lot of effort and help, first you did the menus automatically with the ams and then I learned to put the code chains and This is how I have been learning, if I have doubts I ask them and especially in this group since it clearly says "DOUBTS" in AMS, since if I knew I wouldn't bother anyone.

I leave you a screenshot of what I have done and with this project that may be something very easy for you, but for me it is quite difficult, I have even learned something about databases. but I don't know everything and as there are always people willing to help, that is why I joined this group because I believe that there are good-hearted people who can help others, since no one was born knowing.

Greetings and have a nice day.


Hola usamakey...
Para comenzar tengo que decir que no soy programador, y lo que hago, lo he aprendido de a poco con mucho esfuerzo y ayuda, de primera los menús lo hacías de forma autómatica con el ams y después fui aprendiendo a poner las cadenas de códigos y así he ido aprendiendo, si tengo dudas las pregunto y sobre todo en este grupo ya que claramente dice "DUDAS" en AMS, ya que si supiera no molestaría a nadie.

Te dejo una captura con lo que he realizado y con este proyecto que quizás es algo muy fácil para tí, pero para mi me cuesta bastante, he incluso he aprendido algo de base de datos. pero no lo sé todo y como siempre hay personas dispuestas a ayudar, es por eso que ingresé a este grupo porque creo que hay personas de buen corazón que pueden ayudar a los demás, ya que nadie nació sabiendo.

Saludos y que tengas un buen día.

but print the database? :yes:

the fact of not being a programmer has nothing to do with what has been said above.....
here is the example

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usamakey escribió:
08 May 2024 22:34
but print the database? :yes:

the fact of not being a programmer has nothing to do with what has been said above.....
here is the example

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The image shows what we need... for some reason it doesn't work for me... it gives an error or I'm simply doing it wrong.


and so on with all the inputs of the image.

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usamakey escribió:
08 May 2024 23:55
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usamakey... Will it be possible in the project (agenda) to display the attached image (Print Properties) when pressing the printer button and at the same time automatically save a backup copy in my Windows documents?
(If it were in PDF it would be much better)

user_foro escribió:
09 May 2024 02:51
usamakey escribió:
08 May 2024 23:55
{{This message has been hidden}}
usamakey... Will it be possible in the project (agenda) to display the attached image (Print Properties) when pressing the printer button and at the same time automatically save a backup copy in my Windows documents?
(If it were in PDF it would be much better)

Te recomiendo usar el PDFOut, es un plugin muy bueno, puedes crear líneas de texto, recuadros, añadir imágenes, etc.

Puedes crear archivos como estos:

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Te dejo 2 ejemplos, ahí tienes que jugar con el código.

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Y el Plugin:

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Muchas Gracias... lo probaré!
usamakey escribió:
08 May 2024 23:55
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When I execute the command that you indicated, a box appears that says save, can I do the same but without that option, can it only be printed?
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usamakey escribió:
11 May 2024 17:39
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Excellent, thank you very much for your example usamakey.
The last thing I'm going to bother you about and I hope you can help me please is with something I wrote in a post for you (which I'm sure you visualized before putting it hidden), with that I will truly be eternally grateful to you.

and thanks for all your help... I will be attentive.